Saturday, January 07, 2006

Music on the Mind

Well today I ate eggs, hashbrowns and a cinnamon roll for breakfast/lunch or 'brunch'. It was delicious. I may also be eating a lunch/dinner or 'linner' later today, it's quite exciting. Anyway the basketball teams have a couple home games vs Nebraska Wesleyan today and then I'll be heading to Sioux Falls to hang out with some friends, YAY!

So my Sister-in-law got me the James Blunt cd for christmas and man is it good. I am really enjoying listening to it. Last night I was thinking while I was laying in bed about how my choice in music has changed since my days as a boy in Jr. High and High School. To fill you in on my taste in music in Jr High; I basically liked all the stuff my older brother listened to, I mean seriously, who doesn't like everything their older sibling liked. Those bands included Weezer, Alanis Morsette, Cranberries, Better than Ezra, Goo Goo Dolls (and more). I also enjoyed a lot of these bands in High School. So basically Alt. Rock was burning holes in my eardrum! More often in High School though I liked rap...I wanted to be cool and hip so rap had everything I wanted. I still like a lot of rap and stuff but not like I did in High School. I used to be a huge Nas fan, I still like some of his stuff but I used to be nearly obsessed. I was reminded of my love for rap while I was in High School as I talked to Elliot last night. See everytime we listened to the song Lay Low by Snoop Dog, Elliot would get pulled over in his car so we stopped listening to that song completely but anyway that reminded me of my love affair with the beats and lyrics of rap. I liked other stuff in High School as well like punk and hard rock but they weren't my 1st choice in music. Moving on to now, I love all that Alt. Rock from Jr High again but I also have found that I love soft rock, acoustic stuff or piano stuff. This includes like Jack Johnson, Aqualung, James Blunt, and a bunch of others. I also found that I like jazz a bit, like Jamie Cullum and the legend that is Miles Davis. So as I sit here and type I am listening to James Blunt and I'm just totally relaxed and am just chillin.

So talk to you all soon,


Blogger E Dagger said...

Your music choice has changed since high school, and it's true we don't listen to rap anymore, or I don't. Nice blog Brady. Keep it up. It doens't grind my gears when I read your blog.

January 07, 2006 10:50 PM  

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