Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back at Classes...or not??

Hello All,

Let's not kid ourselves, classes at college really aren't all that enjoyable...unless you're a geek, which if you are then cool and you can stop reading but everybody else please read on. Just think if we had a break (like Christmas break) where everybody 'had' to stay on campus. It would be like 2 weeks of hanging out and having a good time without any classes! Think of all the fun stuff you could do if all your college friends were around and yet there was no going to class, no doing any homework, no nothing. That would be awesome! Oh sure some of you might get a little bored and feel lazy, but you could do stuff, like read a book or go lift weights, maybe get some buddies together and play some pick up basketball, who knows, all you really know is that there would be no homework or classes. Some might say, well I would get a job so I could make some cash, and I say you got your whole life to work, whats 2 weeks to be work free. I'm not saying we need to get rid of Christmas break and make everybody stay on campus during that time either...you can easy go home then and catch up with high school friends. I'm talking about 2 seperate weeks during the school year to do nothing except anything your heart desires. To all of you who don't go to classes or do homework for weeks at a time I commend you on your efforts and I hope you still earn a college degree. Maybe we could get like a high school senior skip day except at college call it a college skip week or something, that would be a sweet solution.



Blogger Bryan said...

Well, I almost stopped reading after the first sentence because you told me to, but decided to read on anyway. As it turns out, I am living this dream... a whole week on campus with nothing to do except hang out with my friends. Just wanted to let you know.

January 11, 2006 3:40 PM  
Blogger Brady Jay said...

I'm jealous of you and your lifestyle this week...grrr

January 12, 2006 1:31 PM  

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