Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Fun Phrases

Well it has been a long time (9 days) since my last blog entry and I feel that I have come out of my blog writing block. I have decided to write about phrases people use that sometimes make sense and sometimes don't and other phrases that I find interesting.

Phrase 1- The "crap" hit the fan--man I really like this phrase. What does it mean, seriously how often does crap hit a fan? I don't think the analogy is one where you are at a dog race or something and some one throws some dog crap and it hits a fan; instead it must be one where crap is thrown at a fan, a fan with blades connected to a rotating motor not a fan with limbs and a brain. This phrase is used significantly in some groups and less in others, either way it is a fun saying.

Phrase 2- Brain Farts--These are funny, people often refer to a time when they can't remember something as a 'brain fart'. In fact, today our chapel speaker was stuck during his speak and said he was having one of these 'brain farts'. This surely can't mean their brain is actually relieving itself of gas, no no, this must be just a time when the brain fills up with gas and makes your forget something. Either way this too is quite humorous.

Phrase 3- Love them to death--Maybe I don't know this phrase well enough and it should be said 'love them till death' but the way I stated it makes it sound kind of weird. Can you actually love someone so much that they die? Really, when does this phrase actually have meaning. My theology prof used this last week when talking about his kids and I chuckled and said WHOA, you don't want to kill your kids with love (of course this comment was made in my head and not shared in class for that would be foolish...talking in class, who does that). Anyway, I love this phrase to death..;)

Phrase 4- Large and in charge--I would think that this would be a good thing to be called, but instead could it be taken negatively if the recipient is being called fat? One can only imagine! Sure you might argue that it just means they are leading a group but is the reason a person is leading because they are big? Hopefully small people can one day be in charge thus changing this statement to "small but running it all" or something like that.

Well there you go, a few fun phrases that people use all the time! If you'd like me to look into any other phrases with my incredible intellect I will be happy to, just post a comment with the phrase you want examined!

Take luck and care of it,


Blogger E Dagger said...

Take it from me. I get called Large and In Charge quite often and I know for a fact that it isn't referring to me being overweight. In fact, there is no way that they would make that mistake. I'm so skinny you can hardly see me. It must mean something about being a leader.

January 25, 2006 11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about "shooting the Sh1t with someone"...or "I'll be back quick a minute"....or "Bite the bullet"

January 31, 2006 12:27 PM  
Blogger Brady Jay said...

Shooting the Sh*t...right, who does this actually. I don't put my crap in a gun and shoot it with someone, that would be weird. Very interesting rolf.

I'll be back quick a minute...Depends on the definition of quick...I mean if its computer processing time, 1 minute is slow if its running a mile, 1 minute is fast! But can a minute be quick...minutes are the same either way...hmm...very interesting.

Bite the bullet...Usually you don't bite bullets although when I was younger I saw a magician actually catch a bullet with his teeth leading to actualling biting the bullet but basically it is a bad analagy...it is better to say "I'll take the hit", this statement actually makes sense, well noted Rolf.

January 31, 2006 10:17 PM  

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