Sunday, February 11, 2007

[insert witty title here]

Hello Everyone,

How are all of you doing? I hope this blog is finding you in good health. I heard some disheartening news today. One of my buddies Michael (not my roommate) found out his mom who 'beat' cancer last year is once again diagnosed with cancer. So if you remember, try to keep her in your prayers.

At the beginning of this semester I thought that this would be one of my easier semesters. I was pretty wrong. I am extremely busy. I never really get a night off and its pretty frustrating. I will be happy to be done with school and having my nights available to do what I want. My differential equations class is not hard but time consuming. Programming languages is boring and time consuming. I am spending about 5-10 hrs a week in a high school classroom and I am doing the coaching stuff. I love the coaching stuff and we have our last JV game tomorrow so that is crazy that it is almost done. Lots of varsity games left though! I am trying to make my senior 'capstone' project for my computer science major really simple but my professor keeps added stupid requirements and it's pissing me off. I think I will just make it super useable and say screw the extra features that will never get used.

I thought I would tell you that I speak in chapel on the 23rd. I am pretty nervous about it. I am excited at the same time because what I am going to talk about is pretty practical and it's really been on my heart. I am going to discuss Delayed Gratification/Reward. If you want to listen then you can at 10:05am on Feb 23, go to and click on the "Listen Now" link.

I am also learning how to play the guitar! I have been having a blast learning chords and songs. My favorite song to play in "Give My Love to Rose" by Johnny Cash. Its really simple but sounds good. I am trying to get good at "Closing Time" by Semisonic but I'm not great at transitioning from chord to chord and strumming patterns. Hurt by Johnny Cash is also good but the chorus has an F and I can't get into that chord quickly...I am getting better though. I am getting better at barring with my pointer finger too.

Well I should be studying for a programming languages test but I have no desire too and I really don't care. I AM SICK OF SCHOOL. Oh yeah, it hit me this weekend that a lot of my good friends are dating someone...Scott, Mike, Blake, Paul...and the girl I wanted to date isn't going to happen so it's almost funny. I think I'll survive though...I've lived most of my life without a girlfriend haha. Well as I listen to Shinedown and Socialburn I should really go back to studying.

Hopefully you were able to read through all of that.

Take care,

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hello My Friends

Well it is time for another blog. I have been pretty busy as of late. The new things going on in my world don't consist of too much. We'll start off with the living situation.

My roommate Scott just took a job in Aberdeen, SD, as a firefighter and paramedic, now a paramedic is a lot different than an EMT. An emt takes like 250 hours and a year of study where as s paramedic takes 1500 hours and a year or 2 of study (fyi). So scott won't be living in our apt. next will be a sad semester without him. (although mike and blake will still live there, even though mike just got a girlfriend who lives in sioux falls and he won't be around much and blake will spend time with the fiance)

Classes are going alright. The past week or so have been pretty busy. I took an abstract algebra test on friday and a operation systems test today. Both i felt were 85ish tests, not A's but not C's, this is a decent score given they they are both 400 level courses in my 2 majors (yippee). i really don't enjoy either of these classes but i must take them. I figured out my schedule for next semester. the classes won't be easy but the schedule is ideal (no 100 level, 1 200 level, 2 300 level, and 2 400 level plus another 200 by arrangement). Anyway, i don't have class until 10:40 on MWF and am done by 2:00. On Tuesday i don't have class until 12:05 till 3:00 and Thursday I have class the same as Tuesday except for a 7:45. Also, after the first half of the semester I drop my 12:05 class. Anyway, i'm excited for this semester to be over basically.

Basketball has been going pretty good. Funny story, i was playing pick up ball at noon with the old boys today and i rolled my ankle...not cool but thats how it goes so i get made fun of my the bball girls. The girls scrimmaged Wayne State tonight, they played ok for some stretches and really good for some and REALLY bad for others. Whenever they don't have intensity on D they are bad and not fun to watch. They are kind of searching for that player who add's a spark and lifts the intensity with their presence on the floor. But i'm enjoying it so thats good! (first games are this weekend)

Well I think thso post of long enough, I just thought i'd give you a short run down on whats going on cuz i htink rolf is the only one who will read this. I've been listening to really hard rock lately and blake (my roommate) makes fun of me for it, the band is Atreyu and I make fun of blake b/c he likes country (even tho i enjoy it at times to)

peace out and God bless,

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Something for Everyone

Hello Everyone,

Yes it is me again and yes it has been a long time since my last entry but I say that every time i write a new blog so this time will be the last time that I say it.

I found out this summer that you are only supposed to put one space after a period. That is so different for me to do. I still catch myself putting two spaces all the time. In this blog I will try to only put one space, just so you know.

So I rarely wear watches but I happened to find a watch at home that my mom said she found so I decided to wear it. I wore it this summer for a while but then 'lost' it. I found it last week inside my golf bag, this was definitely a fun surprise! I wore it that day and already someone commented on it. So far all but 2 days that I have worn it, it has been commented on. All say they like it, ironically, I think it is a bit ugly! Funny I know...well friends, I must pursue my academic interests and get ready for my 1:00 class. I'm sure you are all jealous that you cannot take Abstract Algebra.


PS:Songs of the week (or month): Bayside is the group and I like all their songs.
PSS: I watched AntiTrust last night...dang good flick!

Monday, June 19, 2006

hi friends and family...and others of course

well hello there my faithful reader, and if you aren't a faithful reader thats ok because although i write this blog...i'm not a always a faithful writer. Well i have about 10 minutes left of battery power on this laptop so as usual this is going to be short. Well i am sitting at home by myself cuz my parents are in sioux falls, my older sis is in sf too and my younger sis is out w/ friends. ( fyi, i am trying to write this whole blog with no capital letters ). it is actually really nice to be home by myself for one night. i played a little golf after work, shot a 41, which wasn't to bad, the par 3's got me, double bogied 2 of them. i've had a few things on my mind the past few days and weeks, just somethings that i will prolly post up here sometime but not sure exactly when. bryan burgers got me to think about my typing technique at work the other day. he is able to type dvorak as well as the standard keyboard layout and i thought that was neat and i am debating if i want to learn it. i don't type very well with the standard layout. i almost always shift with my left pinky instead of shifting w/ the opposite hand as the letter that needs to be capital. also, i also use my 4th finger to hit backspace instead of my pinky. basically i don't use my right pinky at all and i think i should change that. so if i would learn dvorak i would try to learn it completely right so i would do it properly. anyway the laptop is about to do and i want to get this thing posted!!!! i'm out!...

oh of the day...weezer - make beleive cd: Freak me Out!!! its so good...

peace out everybody,


Sunday, May 07, 2006

I want you to remember

well hello has been way to long since my last entry. I finished up classes last thursday and eagerly await the grades to be posted. So far there has been 1 grade was an A so i basically don't want to see my other grades b/c they will not be A's haha.

I have a few days off this week...Today i went golfing, ran some arrends and cleaned out my car (geo prizms rock my world), tomorrow I have the day off as well except i get to help a older gentleman w/ his computer at 4. But from then on its Tulip Festival in the OC. I get to set up the Woudstra Brat Stand and grill them brats like none other! I will basically lost sensation in my right hand and will also lose all hair on my right arm but all in all it will be fun...and tiring haha.

I start work next monday at Interstates and am pretty excited about it. Hopefully I get to do some real programming or something that sparks my interest and not just like data entry or something. Well I htink i am going to go for a short jog around the puddle jumper trial or something.

So Long,

PS: I'm listening to Lost Prophets - A Thousand Apologies

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Don't Let the Days Go By

So tonight was a pretty good night. I got a lot of stuff done and then after finishing up a program for a class I went out to have some coffee with one my friends. It was fun. We just sat and talked for a few hours about nothing and about a lot of stuff. I enjoyed it! It's pretty cool to see people and really get to know them. One thing we talked about is how college is supposed to be this time when you are going to make some friendships that will last a life time. I have decided that that is kind of a B.S. statement. Yeah you will make friends who you will know your whole life but will they be the friendships you thought you'd have. Maybe it's just me but I can't say that I have that type of friendship...interestingly enough although I have a lot of aquaintences I don't know who I would call my closest friend, not just somebody I can hang out w/ all the time but someone who I have great conversation with. I can't tell if its just me and my 'masks' or 'walls' but maybe it's NW as a whole or NW IA as a whole, who knows. Well those are my thoughts after a great evening of conversation.

Brady Jay

PS: Song I'm singing in my head but not actually listening too...not listening to yet haha...Glycerine by Bush.

Monday, February 27, 2006

No Subject

So I'm not exactly sure what to write about today. For starter though, the women's team is doing good...they play Tuesday night at M'side, if they win they'll have won the GPAC Conference Tourney which is awesome. My bro's team in Germany has won a couple games in a row which is awesome, and my little sister's AAU volleyball team just won thier first tourney last saturday.

As for me...I've been pretty laid back the past few days. I have a couple papers that I need to write this week, nothing too important i guess tho haha. This is the last week before spring break so I'm pumped about that! Over spring break the women's team will play at Nationals!!

The month of Febuary is coming to an end which is feels like we just started 2006 but we're already 2 months in!! I'm kind of in a spot where I'm looking for summer possibilites thus far are...Interstates in Sioux Center, Pella Windows in Sioux Center, Computer Services at NW and (an outside chance) possibly doing some undergraduate research at hope college. My guess is I'll end up working for Computing Services but we'll see, whatever ends up will be good.

It is time for me to head to bed...have a pleasant evening everyone. PS...what I'm listening too...Nothing?? Yikes thats never good!!
