Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Something for Everyone

Hello Everyone,

Yes it is me again and yes it has been a long time since my last entry but I say that every time i write a new blog so this time will be the last time that I say it.

I found out this summer that you are only supposed to put one space after a period. That is so different for me to do. I still catch myself putting two spaces all the time. In this blog I will try to only put one space, just so you know.

So I rarely wear watches but I happened to find a watch at home that my mom said she found so I decided to wear it. I wore it this summer for a while but then 'lost' it. I found it last week inside my golf bag, this was definitely a fun surprise! I wore it that day and already someone commented on it. So far all but 2 days that I have worn it, it has been commented on. All say they like it, ironically, I think it is a bit ugly! Funny I know...well friends, I must pursue my academic interests and get ready for my 1:00 class. I'm sure you are all jealous that you cannot take Abstract Algebra.


PS:Songs of the week (or month): Bayside is the group and I like all their songs.
PSS: I watched AntiTrust last night...dang good flick!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am back and glad to hear from you again...hahah. The new router should be arriving soon...

August 31, 2006 6:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jealous that I don't get to take abstract algebra? No way, because I get to take it too! Fun stuff!

(At this point, knowing me, you may wonder if I'm being sarcastic or am really excited about the class. Um, I'm not really sure.)

September 15, 2006 3:37 PM  

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