Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day..woo hoo?

Valentines Day!! YAY or wait..not so much. Actually today was pretty good, I got like 10 candy bars from my mom...yeah she totally loves me!! And my roommate's fiance got everybody in our room a candy bar too!

Well as you would have guessed I have no particular Valentine...I know what some of you are thinking...Brady with no special someone?? How is this possible! It's not that I have so many to choose from either haha (I know some of you are still baffled haha I'm sorry it's the truth tho). Its pretty nice sometimes tho, I mean I didn't even have to think about what to get a girl for V-Day. But then again I didn't get to kiss a girl on V-Day either haha. So it definitely has its pros and cons. I am however not the only person in my room without a girlfriend which was not the case for a while. There was a while when I had a couple girls in mind that I would think..."they would be fun to go out on a date with", but right now I can't say there is anybody in particular, well maybe hehe, but thats OK, who knows who will fall in my lap then haha.

Enough about V-Day. I am slowly but surely becoming more and more of a bum I think. I spent far to many hours in front of my computer screen...and I'd say about half of that time is well spent...if I had a job like my brother where I would work a few hours a day and could spend countless hours on a computer then I would be ok [sorry Brandon, but there is some truth to that ;)] but I really don't always have that luxery! Anyways I think I'm going to strive to spend more time reading or cleaning and less time doing stupid stuff on a computer. (this blog is considered time well spent to anyone who was wondering haha).

Talk to you all later,
Brady Jay

ps: What I'm listening too - Rage Against the Machine - Renagades of Funk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder if reading your blog is time well spent for me . . .hmmm, i'll have to think about that one

February 16, 2006 7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

May 16, 2006 11:28 PM  

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