Monday, June 19, 2006

hi friends and family...and others of course

well hello there my faithful reader, and if you aren't a faithful reader thats ok because although i write this blog...i'm not a always a faithful writer. Well i have about 10 minutes left of battery power on this laptop so as usual this is going to be short. Well i am sitting at home by myself cuz my parents are in sioux falls, my older sis is in sf too and my younger sis is out w/ friends. ( fyi, i am trying to write this whole blog with no capital letters ). it is actually really nice to be home by myself for one night. i played a little golf after work, shot a 41, which wasn't to bad, the par 3's got me, double bogied 2 of them. i've had a few things on my mind the past few days and weeks, just somethings that i will prolly post up here sometime but not sure exactly when. bryan burgers got me to think about my typing technique at work the other day. he is able to type dvorak as well as the standard keyboard layout and i thought that was neat and i am debating if i want to learn it. i don't type very well with the standard layout. i almost always shift with my left pinky instead of shifting w/ the opposite hand as the letter that needs to be capital. also, i also use my 4th finger to hit backspace instead of my pinky. basically i don't use my right pinky at all and i think i should change that. so if i would learn dvorak i would try to learn it completely right so i would do it properly. anyway the laptop is about to do and i want to get this thing posted!!!! i'm out!...

oh of the day...weezer - make beleive cd: Freak me Out!!! its so good...

peace out everybody,



Blogger Elizabeth said...

ooooo! Brady! A new blog! How exciting! I actually found it quite interesting, although, I don't really know about this "dvorak" method thingy that you speak of. It must just be some computer nerd jargon or something. Nice work though!

July 09, 2006 7:01 PM  

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