Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hello My Friends

Well it is time for another blog. I have been pretty busy as of late. The new things going on in my world don't consist of too much. We'll start off with the living situation.

My roommate Scott just took a job in Aberdeen, SD, as a firefighter and paramedic, now a paramedic is a lot different than an EMT. An emt takes like 250 hours and a year of study where as s paramedic takes 1500 hours and a year or 2 of study (fyi). So scott won't be living in our apt. next semester...it will be a sad semester without him. (although mike and blake will still live there, even though mike just got a girlfriend who lives in sioux falls and he won't be around much and blake will spend time with the fiance)

Classes are going alright. The past week or so have been pretty busy. I took an abstract algebra test on friday and a operation systems test today. Both i felt were 85ish tests, not A's but not C's, this is a decent score given they they are both 400 level courses in my 2 majors (yippee). i really don't enjoy either of these classes but i must take them. I figured out my schedule for next semester. the classes won't be easy but the schedule is ideal (no 100 level, 1 200 level, 2 300 level, and 2 400 level plus another 200 by arrangement). Anyway, i don't have class until 10:40 on MWF and am done by 2:00. On Tuesday i don't have class until 12:05 till 3:00 and Thursday I have class the same as Tuesday except for a 7:45. Also, after the first half of the semester I drop my 12:05 class. Anyway, i'm excited for this semester to be over basically.

Basketball has been going pretty good. Funny story, i was playing pick up ball at noon with the old boys today and i rolled my ankle...not cool but thats how it goes so i get made fun of my the bball girls. The girls scrimmaged Wayne State tonight, they played ok for some stretches and really good for some and REALLY bad for others. Whenever they don't have intensity on D they are bad and not fun to watch. They are kind of searching for that player who add's a spark and lifts the intensity with their presence on the floor. But i'm enjoying it so thats good! (first games are this weekend)

Well I think thso post of long enough, I just thought i'd give you a short run down on whats going on cuz i htink rolf is the only one who will read this. I've been listening to really hard rock lately and blake (my roommate) makes fun of me for it, the band is Atreyu and I make fun of blake b/c he likes country (even tho i enjoy it at times to)

peace out and God bless,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed hearing whats going on. Look forward to seeing you in a little over a month although for a short time. So did Kugler or Wallinga cross you over or something? hahaha...

November 07, 2006 7:03 AM  
Blogger Brady Jay said...

it would be funny if it were kugler or Wallinga but it was actually Tom Truesdale (i think he's a yr or 2 older than you rolf) but i'm glad you can laugh about it

November 07, 2006 8:39 AM  

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