Sunday, February 11, 2007

[insert witty title here]

Hello Everyone,

How are all of you doing? I hope this blog is finding you in good health. I heard some disheartening news today. One of my buddies Michael (not my roommate) found out his mom who 'beat' cancer last year is once again diagnosed with cancer. So if you remember, try to keep her in your prayers.

At the beginning of this semester I thought that this would be one of my easier semesters. I was pretty wrong. I am extremely busy. I never really get a night off and its pretty frustrating. I will be happy to be done with school and having my nights available to do what I want. My differential equations class is not hard but time consuming. Programming languages is boring and time consuming. I am spending about 5-10 hrs a week in a high school classroom and I am doing the coaching stuff. I love the coaching stuff and we have our last JV game tomorrow so that is crazy that it is almost done. Lots of varsity games left though! I am trying to make my senior 'capstone' project for my computer science major really simple but my professor keeps added stupid requirements and it's pissing me off. I think I will just make it super useable and say screw the extra features that will never get used.

I thought I would tell you that I speak in chapel on the 23rd. I am pretty nervous about it. I am excited at the same time because what I am going to talk about is pretty practical and it's really been on my heart. I am going to discuss Delayed Gratification/Reward. If you want to listen then you can at 10:05am on Feb 23, go to and click on the "Listen Now" link.

I am also learning how to play the guitar! I have been having a blast learning chords and songs. My favorite song to play in "Give My Love to Rose" by Johnny Cash. Its really simple but sounds good. I am trying to get good at "Closing Time" by Semisonic but I'm not great at transitioning from chord to chord and strumming patterns. Hurt by Johnny Cash is also good but the chorus has an F and I can't get into that chord quickly...I am getting better though. I am getting better at barring with my pointer finger too.

Well I should be studying for a programming languages test but I have no desire too and I really don't care. I AM SICK OF SCHOOL. Oh yeah, it hit me this weekend that a lot of my good friends are dating someone...Scott, Mike, Blake, Paul...and the girl I wanted to date isn't going to happen so it's almost funny. I think I'll survive though...I've lived most of my life without a girlfriend haha. Well as I listen to Shinedown and Socialburn I should really go back to studying.

Hopefully you were able to read through all of that.

Take care,


Blogger E Dagger said...

I'm so happy you wrote a new blog. Hurray! Good luck with speaking in chapel. I'm just proud of you for even doing it. I don't think I'd have the guts to do that. See you around.

February 14, 2007 1:31 PM  
Blogger B and K said...

Hey Brady,
We will be thinking of you on your big day. Hope it goes well and congratulations on the big win against Morningside!

February 16, 2007 4:00 AM  

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