Monday, February 27, 2006

No Subject

So I'm not exactly sure what to write about today. For starter though, the women's team is doing good...they play Tuesday night at M'side, if they win they'll have won the GPAC Conference Tourney which is awesome. My bro's team in Germany has won a couple games in a row which is awesome, and my little sister's AAU volleyball team just won thier first tourney last saturday.

As for me...I've been pretty laid back the past few days. I have a couple papers that I need to write this week, nothing too important i guess tho haha. This is the last week before spring break so I'm pumped about that! Over spring break the women's team will play at Nationals!!

The month of Febuary is coming to an end which is feels like we just started 2006 but we're already 2 months in!! I'm kind of in a spot where I'm looking for summer possibilites thus far are...Interstates in Sioux Center, Pella Windows in Sioux Center, Computer Services at NW and (an outside chance) possibly doing some undergraduate research at hope college. My guess is I'll end up working for Computing Services but we'll see, whatever ends up will be good.

It is time for me to head to bed...have a pleasant evening everyone. PS...what I'm listening too...Nothing?? Yikes thats never good!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day..woo hoo?

Valentines Day!! YAY or wait..not so much. Actually today was pretty good, I got like 10 candy bars from my mom...yeah she totally loves me!! And my roommate's fiance got everybody in our room a candy bar too!

Well as you would have guessed I have no particular Valentine...I know what some of you are thinking...Brady with no special someone?? How is this possible! It's not that I have so many to choose from either haha (I know some of you are still baffled haha I'm sorry it's the truth tho). Its pretty nice sometimes tho, I mean I didn't even have to think about what to get a girl for V-Day. But then again I didn't get to kiss a girl on V-Day either haha. So it definitely has its pros and cons. I am however not the only person in my room without a girlfriend which was not the case for a while. There was a while when I had a couple girls in mind that I would think..."they would be fun to go out on a date with", but right now I can't say there is anybody in particular, well maybe hehe, but thats OK, who knows who will fall in my lap then haha.

Enough about V-Day. I am slowly but surely becoming more and more of a bum I think. I spent far to many hours in front of my computer screen...and I'd say about half of that time is well spent...if I had a job like my brother where I would work a few hours a day and could spend countless hours on a computer then I would be ok [sorry Brandon, but there is some truth to that ;)] but I really don't always have that luxery! Anyways I think I'm going to strive to spend more time reading or cleaning and less time doing stupid stuff on a computer. (this blog is considered time well spent to anyone who was wondering haha).

Talk to you all later,
Brady Jay

ps: What I'm listening too - Rage Against the Machine - Renagades of Funk

Friday, February 10, 2006

It's been a while

Well sorry this post took so long to get posted...I have been busy with basketball and school! Well I have a couple Varsity regular season games left and only 1 jv game left! WOW!

Anyways, my roommate Scott got into an accident last night driving home from Le Mars. Him and his girlfriend were going, they lost control and flipped into the ditch (they ended up with the car upside down)...the Explorer is pretty totalled but both Scott and Samantha are doing 'good', no bad injuries, a few stitches and they are a little shaken up.

There accident reminds me of a few accidents that I've gotten into in my life. I have been in about 3 rear-end accidents, none too bad. I also rolled in an Explorer once, when I was a Sophmore in HS I was riding in the back seat on our way to church in sioux center and we lost control and we rolled 1.25 rolls ending up facing the wrong direction with the drivers side on the ground...I wasn't wearing my seatbelt either...yikes! I also got into an accident my Sr. year of HS coming home from Branson after NWC's guys team won the Nat'l Tourney and my dad was driving in the rain and a car stopped in the middle of the road to look at an accident on the South bound direction because there was an accident there! We totalled our van that day and ended up riding the rest of the way back on the charter bus with the team! I think that's all the accidents I've gotten into in my life, but if someone remembers one that some how I left out...let me know!

I hope all is well in your lives,

PS: I've decided based on Elliots blog that I'll add what I'm listening to while I type this iTunes is on party shuffle and I got Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms, Lump - Presidents of the United States, Slide Girl - Lost and Found and one of my favorites...You're Beautifil - James Blunt! Oh yeah it was my birthday on the 6th...I'm totally 21 now!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Crazy talk...about God?

I am about to attempt something that I have not done before! Yes I am going to write a blog on back to back days! You should be very impressed. I am quite sure that there are only about 3-4 people who actually read my blog and to you I say "Thanks". I write my blog for you, I am a horrible writer so I cannot compete with Bryan's stories and I'm not as exciting or opinionated as Elliot so I don't have random things to write about all the time, instead I'm just me. I write whats on my mind (which in some cases is nothing). So anyway thanks again to all who read this blog.

Well, I have been reading a book called "God is closer than you think" by John Ortberg and its a pretty good book. I gives examples and also challanges you to find God in lots of different areas of life. God is probably one of the least understood things ever. I make my point by asking if I can call him a thing or if I need to use the title of creator or supernatural being or what? Well, I do believe he is both of those, but God is just interesting. Its crazy to think of the ways people say God or god is talking to them. I mean, I always get chills down my spine when I think that I feel the 'presence of God' but maybe I'm imagining it? You know? I'm sure everybody has a different way of experiencing God and that's great...we are all individuals of course! Well just reflecting on God is quite a task and one that is hard to put on paper or in this case a blog. So I won't try to go to deep only to say that he is pretty incredible when you think of what he puts up with in regards to us humans, cuz man oh man do we mess up! Part of me wants to laugh because it seems so ridiculous that he even tried to help us (or let alone create us)! Why would God send his son to earth to have him crucified to conquer Then to be the son of God and actually follow through with it...amazing! I think its awesome that he was even able to ascend to heaven and hang out with his dad. I love the times I get to just sit around with my dad. Just think if your dad was God! Thats crazy huh! I mean God is our father too but its got a different feeling, it is but it isn't the same because of course God is what you would call perfect! Enough about my thoughts on God, I'll let you think about him for yourself for a while. I wish you all a great night and a splendid morning!


PS...thanks again to all who read my blog, it is appreciated haha!