Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Something for Everyone

Hello Everyone,

Yes it is me again and yes it has been a long time since my last entry but I say that every time i write a new blog so this time will be the last time that I say it.

I found out this summer that you are only supposed to put one space after a period. That is so different for me to do. I still catch myself putting two spaces all the time. In this blog I will try to only put one space, just so you know.

So I rarely wear watches but I happened to find a watch at home that my mom said she found so I decided to wear it. I wore it this summer for a while but then 'lost' it. I found it last week inside my golf bag, this was definitely a fun surprise! I wore it that day and already someone commented on it. So far all but 2 days that I have worn it, it has been commented on. All say they like it, ironically, I think it is a bit ugly! Funny I know...well friends, I must pursue my academic interests and get ready for my 1:00 class. I'm sure you are all jealous that you cannot take Abstract Algebra.


PS:Songs of the week (or month): Bayside is the group and I like all their songs.
PSS: I watched AntiTrust last night...dang good flick!