Tuesday, January 31, 2006

ISU Career Fair


Today I went to Iowa State for a Career Fair/Expo thing. It was a good time, 6 other computer science majors and myself went. We left at 9 this morning and returned at 10:20ish this evening. It was a good time of resume handing out and soda pop drinking! Yes it is true, they had free soda and water (could the day have gotten any better!)

Well, I talked to a bunch of company's. I was mainly interested in finding companies that were looking for interns or summer work. I found a bunch and talked to all the ones I wanted to talk to. The 2 that I liked best were Thomson out of Minneapolis and Interstates out of Sioux Center(funny enough I drove 3.5 hrs to talk to a company 15 minutes away). I also handed out resume's and got business cards from a bunch of other companies which was great!

Probably one of the best things was the free toys all the companies gave out after you talk to them. I got a screw driver kit at one, a T-shirt at another, numerous pens and pads of paper from others, and I even got a nelgene type water bottle from one (from Thomson actually!). But it was a good time (So YES THE DAY DID GET BETTER!!).

So although this is a boring blog for most I still enjoyed writing about my affairs of today. PS..I'm listening to weezer right now and I am really enjoying it, I might end up listening to all of theirs CDs from the Blue album to Make Believe.

Enjoy the day (or night),
Brady aka Bdubs

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Fun Phrases

Well it has been a long time (9 days) since my last blog entry and I feel that I have come out of my blog writing block. I have decided to write about phrases people use that sometimes make sense and sometimes don't and other phrases that I find interesting.

Phrase 1- The "crap" hit the fan--man I really like this phrase. What does it mean, seriously how often does crap hit a fan? I don't think the analogy is one where you are at a dog race or something and some one throws some dog crap and it hits a fan; instead it must be one where crap is thrown at a fan, a fan with blades connected to a rotating motor not a fan with limbs and a brain. This phrase is used significantly in some groups and less in others, either way it is a fun saying.

Phrase 2- Brain Farts--These are funny, people often refer to a time when they can't remember something as a 'brain fart'. In fact, today our chapel speaker was stuck during his speak and said he was having one of these 'brain farts'. This surely can't mean their brain is actually relieving itself of gas, no no, this must be just a time when the brain fills up with gas and makes your forget something. Either way this too is quite humorous.

Phrase 3- Love them to death--Maybe I don't know this phrase well enough and it should be said 'love them till death' but the way I stated it makes it sound kind of weird. Can you actually love someone so much that they die? Really, when does this phrase actually have meaning. My theology prof used this last week when talking about his kids and I chuckled and said WHOA, you don't want to kill your kids with love (of course this comment was made in my head and not shared in class for that would be foolish...talking in class, who does that). Anyway, I love this phrase to death..;)

Phrase 4- Large and in charge--I would think that this would be a good thing to be called, but instead could it be taken negatively if the recipient is being called fat? One can only imagine! Sure you might argue that it just means they are leading a group but is the reason a person is leading because they are big? Hopefully small people can one day be in charge thus changing this statement to "small but running it all" or something like that.

Well there you go, a few fun phrases that people use all the time! If you'd like me to look into any other phrases with my incredible intellect I will be happy to, just post a comment with the phrase you want examined!

Take luck and care of it,

Monday, January 16, 2006

Blog Writer's Block

Yes it's true...I have blogwriter's block. I can't think of anything to type about! So here are some ramblings. I decided to write a grinds our gears blog today...you should all read it if you haven't already, also, Elliot wrote a blog about sports, which of course is cool and you should also read that. One more thing, Bryan wrote a very interesting story and since I'm telling you what to do anyway you should read that too (and change the names to carl and steve, i like them better)

Ok try to follow this story...if there is anything to follow. It is a weird way that you can connect sentences to create one really long run on sentence that makes no sense at all.

I walked down the road to the final four brothers include the ever exclusive ladies man on fire which is also a good movie goers like to eat popcorn gets stuck in your teeth which means you should brush your hair before going to bed bugs bite and so do magnets at the poles of the earth is round horn ball as a young kid quick place to stop by the horse stalls and you can't get it started again I walked down a street, avenue or drive to the beach boys of summer time is a great day to eat cherios helps with heart new york is a town in Nebreska Huskers won the football players wear pads.

Wow...isn't that just a bundle of garbage haha. So sorry for the lame blog but Elliot was pressuring me into writing a new one.

Yours truly,

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back at Classes...or not??

Hello All,

Let's not kid ourselves, classes at college really aren't all that enjoyable...unless you're a geek, which if you are then cool and you can stop reading but everybody else please read on. Just think if we had a break (like Christmas break) where everybody 'had' to stay on campus. It would be like 2 weeks of hanging out and having a good time without any classes! Think of all the fun stuff you could do if all your college friends were around and yet there was no going to class, no doing any homework, no nothing. That would be awesome! Oh sure some of you might get a little bored and feel lazy, but you could do stuff, like read a book or go lift weights, maybe get some buddies together and play some pick up basketball, who knows, all you really know is that there would be no homework or classes. Some might say, well I would get a job so I could make some cash, and I say you got your whole life to work, whats 2 weeks to be work free. I'm not saying we need to get rid of Christmas break and make everybody stay on campus during that time either...you can easy go home then and catch up with high school friends. I'm talking about 2 seperate weeks during the school year to do nothing except anything your heart desires. To all of you who don't go to classes or do homework for weeks at a time I commend you on your efforts and I hope you still earn a college degree. Maybe we could get like a high school senior skip day except at college call it a college skip week or something, that would be a sweet solution.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

Music on the Mind

Well today I ate eggs, hashbrowns and a cinnamon roll for breakfast/lunch or 'brunch'. It was delicious. I may also be eating a lunch/dinner or 'linner' later today, it's quite exciting. Anyway the basketball teams have a couple home games vs Nebraska Wesleyan today and then I'll be heading to Sioux Falls to hang out with some friends, YAY!

So my Sister-in-law got me the James Blunt cd for christmas and man is it good. I am really enjoying listening to it. Last night I was thinking while I was laying in bed about how my choice in music has changed since my days as a boy in Jr. High and High School. To fill you in on my taste in music in Jr High; I basically liked all the stuff my older brother listened to, I mean seriously, who doesn't like everything their older sibling liked. Those bands included Weezer, Alanis Morsette, Cranberries, Better than Ezra, Goo Goo Dolls (and more). I also enjoyed a lot of these bands in High School. So basically Alt. Rock was burning holes in my eardrum! More often in High School though I liked rap...I wanted to be cool and hip so rap had everything I wanted. I still like a lot of rap and stuff but not like I did in High School. I used to be a huge Nas fan, I still like some of his stuff but I used to be nearly obsessed. I was reminded of my love for rap while I was in High School as I talked to Elliot last night. See everytime we listened to the song Lay Low by Snoop Dog, Elliot would get pulled over in his car so we stopped listening to that song completely but anyway that reminded me of my love affair with the beats and lyrics of rap. I liked other stuff in High School as well like punk and hard rock but they weren't my 1st choice in music. Moving on to now, I love all that Alt. Rock from Jr High again but I also have found that I love soft rock, acoustic stuff or piano stuff. This includes like Jack Johnson, Aqualung, James Blunt, and a bunch of others. I also found that I like jazz a bit, like Jamie Cullum and the legend that is Miles Davis. So as I sit here and type I am listening to James Blunt and I'm just totally relaxed and am just chillin.

So talk to you all soon,

Thursday, January 05, 2006

W's Across the Board

Well tonight was an epic night of competative sports.

As some of you know I am a student coach with the women's basketball team at NWC and we had a game vs. Morningside. Morningside was rated 4th and we were rated 5th coming into today (fyi: new rankings came out today putting NW at 3rd and M'side at 7th). M'side had also won the last 2 national titles, so let's be honest...this was a big game. First things first...WE WON. The girls played hard, they handled M'side pressure decently (only 30 TO's eeeek). Jaime Hoegh was incredible shooting 22 of 25 from the cherry stripe and finishing with 30 pts. 4 other girls scored in double figures so it was awesome to have such balanced scoring! I was pretty psyched about the whole thing so when I was walking back to my apt after the game to change out of my tie and dress slacks and into something more comfortable..say jeans and a t-shirt I couldn't contain my excitement. I walked for a bit then I started skipping which turned into a slow jog...man I was hyper. So to sum things up...it was a good night for the Lady Red Raiders.

Next the NW men played. They also won...Tajuan Jackson was a stud doing a bunch of little things defensively and getting lots of easy baskets on offense as well. Chad Schuiteman played...well like Chad always plays. They also won. Recap...so far 2 W's.

Finally, the Longhorns...you bet! I picked 'em but thought that the game was up in the air. I knew either team could do it. I was surprised that USC didn't put the ball in Bush's hands for the last play...if I had the Heisman winner on my team I'd give him the ball and let him make a play, basically what Texas did for VY during the Longhorn's final possession. Well anyway...I'm happy for the Longhorns kicker too because if they would have lost by only a few pts and his field goal or extra point would have made a different then he probably would have recieved thousands of letters of hate mail. Seriously though, the dudes like 20 something...that's my age...that's a lot of pressure, not to mention it's in front of 90,000 people and millions at home...think about it...PRESSURE!

Well that should sum up the W's for tonight!

PS: The movie Bandits is funny...I totally watched it tonight!

Monday, January 02, 2006

My First Blog Entry Ever

Hello All.

As you can see by this blog's title it is "My First Blog Entry Ever" or in the world of blogging a MFBEE (Said "em ef bee double e"). Hopefully this is something fun that will keep me busy and also let you the world know about me, and not to mention it may help me fine tune my writing skills.

I had a blast on new years. I hung out with my bestest high school friend Elliot (BFF!!) and some friends including the likes of Rebecca, Katie, Bethany, Bryan, Liz and Lynna. There were 8 of us there and we had a banging good time. Hopefully I'll get to hang out with them again soon. I also enjoyed Bryan's house...it was delightful. I also stopped by my friend Jessi's house for a while and she had some friends over and that was a lot of fun...she also had some delicious treats!

Well today is the 2nd day of 2006, it was a fairly good day. I slept in which was nice after having 2 nights of not a lot of sleep. I played James Bond Nightfire on PS2 for a while and then played some pickup basketball at City Hall. I shot ok, and made a couple hustle plays, my roommate D-Hec was the man when it came to curling off a screen and hitting the jumper. Jerry (Elliot's dad) was a stud on the boards...as well as being a dominate offensive threat from 15ft and in. Then I had girls practice for a couple hours, I helped do some drills and had a good time there.

Well now that my first blog is nearing an end and I want to say goodbye and I hope you come back after I write my next blog!

Yours Truly,